The Rural Estate Residential District is established to permit single-family residential development of a rural non- farm nature in areas without public sewer and water facilities. For the Rural Estate Residential District, in promoting the general purpose of this Ordinance, the specific intent of this Section is:

A. To encourage the construction of, and the continued use of the land for single-family dwellings.

B. To prohibit business, commercial or industrial use of the land, and to prohibit any other use which would substantially interfere with development or continuation of single-family dwellings in the district.

C. To encourage the discontinuance of existing uses, except farms, that would not be permitted as new uses under the provisions of this Ordinance.

D. To discourage any land use which would generate traffic on minor or local streets other than normal traffic to serve the residences on those streets.

E. To discourage any use which, because of its character or size, would create requirements and costs for public services, such as water supply, and sewerage substantially in excess of such requirements and costs of the district were developed solely for single-family dwellings.


In the Rural Estate Residential District no uses shall be permitted, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except the following:

A. Single-family detached dwellings.

B. Non-commercial growing of vegetables, fruit, flowers, trees and shrubs.

C. Publicly-owned and operated museums, parks, playfields, libraries, and other recreational facilities.

D. Public, parochial or private elementary, intermediate and/or high schools offering courses in general education, not operated for profit.

E. Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incidental to the above Principal Permitted Uses.

F. Off-street parking in accordance with the requirements of Article VI.

G. State licensed residential care facilities as provided in Section 4.47.


The following uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed and subject further to the of the Zoning Board and approval of the Township Board based on the standards of Section 4.39 parts G1 through G10.

A. Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions:

1. Unless established prior to the enactment of this Ordinance, a church site shall contain an area of at least two (2) acres.

2. The site shall be so located as to have at least one (1) property line abutting a major thoroughfare. All ingress and egress to the site shall be directly onto said major thoroughfare.

3. Wherever the off-street parking area is adjacent to land zoned for residential purposes, obscuring greenbelt shall be provided along the sides of the parking area adjacent to the residentially zoned land in accordance with Section 4.33.

B. Publicly owned buildings not listed under subsections 10.2.C or D, public utility buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electric transformer stations and substations, and gas regulator stations, but not including storage yards, when operating requirements necessitate locating within the District to serve the immediate vicinity, and such use is not injurious to the surrounding neighborhood.

C. State licensed residential care facilities as provided in Section 4.47.

D. Cemeteries, subject to the following conditions:

1. The site shall be so located as to have at least one (1) property line abutting a major thoroughfare. All ingress and egress to the site shall be directly onto said major thoroughfare.

2. The perimeter of the site shall be fenced in accordance with Section 4.34.

3. Any structure located on the site shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from any lot line.

4. Compliance with applicable state laws regulating the use of cemeteries.

E. Private parks, country clubs, golf courses, and golf driving ranges, when located on a continuous parcel of five (5) acres or more in area; when any structure on said parcel is located at least two hundred and fifty (250) feet from a lot line of any adjacent residential district; and when all ingress and egress from said parcel is directly onto a major thoroughfare.

    1. Temporary uses and buildings, including buildings and structures for use incidental to construction work for a period not to exceed one (1) year.
    2. Beauty and barber shops.


Area, Height, Bulk, and Placement Requirements unless otherwise specified are as provided in Article VIII, "Schedule of Regulations".